
Conversation with Jim Jarmusch

With Jim Jarmusch, Guest of the 27th edition
In conversation with Philippe Azoury

Experimental photography: artworks like any other?

With David de Beyter, Constance Nouvel, Alice Pallot
In conversation with Evelyne Cohen, Michel Poivert

Cutting a figure

With Tyler Mitchell, Deborah Willis
In conversation with Brendan Embser

When fashion becomes art: photography, editorial and dialogue

With Jack Davison, Malick Bodian, Alexandre Guirkinger, Senta Simond,
In conversation with Jean-Baptiste Talbourdet, Marie-Pierre Lannelongue

Robert Frank: a celebration on his 100th birthday

With Lucy Gallun, Sarah Greenough
In conversation with Clark Winter

Lisetta Carmi, Goliarda Sapienza The Art of Living

With Marta Gili, Francesca Todde
In conversation with Simonetta Greggio

Uncovering queer histories

With Charlotte Flint, Hélène Giannecchini
In conversation with Clara Bouveresse

Conversation about This Causes Consciousness to Fracture

With Adèle Haenel, Estelle Hanania, Gisèle Vienne
In conversation with Sophie Delpeux

Elles x Paris Photo Day

Irène Basilis, Senior Official for Equality, Diversity, and Anti-Discrimination, Ministry of Culture Sandrine Ayrole, Acting Head of the Photography Department, Ministry of Culture

The Power of Image Archives in Reimagining History

With Joana Choumali, Cai Dongdong, Lebohang Kganye
In conversation with Azu Nwagbogu

When fashion becomes art: Photography, editorial & visual dialogue

With Jack Davison, Malick Bodian, Alexandre Guirkinger, Senta Simond,
In conversation with Jean-Baptiste Talbourdet, Marie-Pierre Lannelongue

Photography: "a rare multiple"

With Françoise Paviot, Jonas Tebib
In conversation with William A. Ewing

Collecting the photographic – current and future practices

With Viktoria Binschtok, Clare Strand, Hanako Murakami
In conversation with Nadine Wietlisbach

What Photography hides?

With Amanda de la Garza, Thyago Nogueira
In conversation with Gabriela Rangel

Something spatial

With Andrea Grützner, Aglaia Konrad, Marleen Sleeuwits
In conversation with Raphaëlle Stopin

Yasuhiro Ishimoto figure of modernity between Chicago's Bauhaus & 1950s Japan

With Agathe Cancellieri, Yasufumi Nakamori
In conversation with Diane Dufour