Starting from the assumption that there is no such thing as an abstract photograph, because every single one has a direct connection to its referent on the physical world, these series of images propose to operate a game: at the same time, they search for an identification and they escape from it. We know they are representing a thing, but the image is ambivalent about that thing. They have a disturbed relation with codes and to what they look like. These hypothesis-images, an accumulation of movement and duration, synthesized by the mechanical eye of the photographic camera, exist only as a theoretical possibility in the world of objects. As a visual essay, lending its name from Heidegger’s famous course “Die Frage nach dem Ding”, the images are more interested on the question - than on its answers.


Fernando MARANTE (Matosinhos, Portugal, b.1973) is a visual artist based in Lisbon with an experimental practice that questions the representation of the photographic medium.
He studied at the Ar.Co Visual Communication Center in Lisbon between 2013 and 2019, where he graduated from the Comprehensive Photography Course, the Advanced Photography Course and the Author Project Course. At Ar.Co he won two scholarships sponsored by Leonor and António Parreira (2015/2016) and by the Victor and Graça Carmona e Costa Foundation (2018/2019).