Centre national des arts plastiques
Programming partner
The Centre national des arts plastiques (Cnap) is one of the main operators of the Ministry of Culture in the field of visual arts.
A key cultural player, it supports and encourages the artistic scene in all its diversity and aids artists as well as all professionals (galleries, publishers, restorers, art critics, etc.) through various support mechanisms. It contributes to the promotion of projects through dissemination actions and serves as a resource center for all contemporary art professionals. The Cnap acquires artworks on behalf of the State, ensuring their conservation and dissemination to a wide variety of beneficiaries both nationally and internationally. Without its own exhibition space, the Cnap lends and deposits its collection, produces exhibitions in partnership, and conducts an active policy of research and publishing.
With nearly 108,000 works acquired over more than two centuries from over 20,000 artists, the collection today forms a unique ensemble, representative of the variety of artistic movements on an international scale, as well as of the dynamism and openness of the French scene, which constitutes an exceptional national heritage.