
Discover the sectors of this 2024 edition. 

The Paris Photo fair is divided into several sectors. Each sector is unique, ranging from very large format projects that explore the use of images to monographic exhibitions of emerging artists.


Main sector

The Main sector hosts over 200 international galleries showcasing historical and contemporary works, from modern masters to emerging artists, offering the largest and most qualitative panorama of the photographic medium today. The selection is made by a committee of experts from the photography market. 

Prismes sector

The Prismes sector presents a selection of projects that explore the uses of image in their most diverse pratices, in dialogue with other media: exceptional projects, very large formats, sculptural series and installations, video art. Galleries can co-present an exhibition project in this sector. The Prismes sector is located within the Main sector, with projects that exceed the classic booth in the Grand Palais.

Digital sector

For the second year, Paris Photo proposes a new sector dedicated to photography in the digital age. Curated by Nina Roehrs – specialist for art in the digital age – the Digital sector features a selection of contemporary art galleries and curated platforms at the forefront of new technologies, showcasing artists who integrate digital realities into their work. Thematic group exhibitions and solo artist presentations will offer an in-depth presentation of photography at the intersection with technology and digitalisation. Paris Photo, the first European fair to dedicate a programme specifically to digital art, provides a unique location for the sector, in the nave of the Grand Palais.

Emergence sector

The sector dedicated to emerging artists – formerly Curiosa – is growing and hosts 24 galleries. Curated by Anna Planas, the Emergence sector promotes artist solo shows on the basis of a specific project. Since 2015, Paris Photo supports emerging galleries from around the world by providing them with preferential admission rates to participate to this major international event. The Emergence sector is located in the balconies of the first floor of the Grand Palais, overlooking the nave.

Voices sector - New this year

For its return to the Grand Palais, Paris Photo is opening a new sector and giving 3 renowned curators the opportunity to select artists from the international scene. They are invited to design a proposal around contemporary themes in order to highlight an artistic scene or a medium practice in a shared space.

The curators of the 2024 edition are :

- Azu Nwagbogu, Founder and Director of LagosPhoto Festival, Independent Curator
- Sonia Voss, Independent Curator
- Elena Navarro, Founder of FotoMexico, Independent Curator

More about the curators of Voices sector


Book sector

The Book sector gathers publishers and specialized art book dealers presenting unique and rare editions as well as artist books. The selection will be done by a committee of photography book specialists. Over 400 artist signature sessions and conversations throughout the fair.